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Welcome to our online shopping page, your one-stop destination for all your at-home hair, skin, and wellness care needs! With most orders delivered to your doorstop with in 2 business days and free shipping on orders over $50, taking care of yourself has never been easier!
Wellness Care is Beauty Care
We believe that natural health options are essential for nurturing our whole body wellness and enhancing our beauty and self care routines. As you know- we strive to bring you the best education and beauty practices we can. At the heart of that mission is our philosophy and belief that Wellness Care is Beauty Care!
Elevate your beauty, nurture your well-being, and embrace the harmony of natural health with Doterra!

We are constantly inundated with toxins that affect every facet of our well-being, from the air we breathe to the food we eat and the products we use! These chemicals can be eliminated in small quantities but when we are exposed to too many too often, our systems become overloaded. This can cause premature aging, inflammation, weight gain, hormone disruption, skin issues, hair loss, and even more serious health issues.
By switching some of these chemicals out for natural products we can start to reduce our body’s toxin load. Over time, you will start to notice some of those issues start to clear up or you can be proactive and never have to deal with them. A healthy, balanced lifestyle is they key to longevity, happiness and true beauty!
That is why we want to help you discover the power of the many natural solutions DoTerra offers. From Essential Oils to Wellness kits, each product is designed and sourced to help you enhance your holistic health journey!
The link below will take you DoTerra’s shopping site and include a wholesale account for a year. That wholesale account gets you 25% off the retail price anytime you order as well as access to exclusive deals and sales. If you would rather pay the 25% mark up- we have select products in-salon for cash and carry!
Shop DoTerraAngelique has been a wellness advocate with Doterra for 9 years
She is happy to give FREE customized recommendations or teach you how to incorporate natural wellness into your lifestyle. It’s surprisingly easy. Please text her at 815-298-0687 if you would like more information.